
I put my nakedness of my life, my journey with lovely warmth from universe.
Every single little thing happened in my life that i appreciate. Every anger, smile, pain, happiness ...
would be writen down here. in this silvery digital net.

wonderful Life it is.


skype : esatyawarman
twitter: esatyawarman
e-mail :

April 26, 2015

Wish You Were Here

So,you think you can tell.
Do you think you can tell.
........ wish you were here.

July 5, 2014

on one golden Sunset.

"I want a baby from you..."
 The ever lovely whisper a man can hear. Toe's talk on one golden sunset.

What a wonderful orange sunset that day.
your righthandside

photo on the left taken by HY "G" K

March 28, 2014

the peace

take a meditation

deep meaningful inhale & exhale
feel the flow of the universe inside
and try to become one with it.
we are part and also the universe itself

ask ourself lovingly "Are we happy?"
the first answer coming from inside is the answer from our heart
the second coming from our thought, by observing, weighing etc

and happiness should deal with feeling, with heart - 
so is Love, my all dear friends
so is Love.

February 1, 2012

New York

i am competing in NY :)

Please kindly vote for my artwork, dear friends.
Votes won't affect the judgement, but i'll appreciate yours.

hugs - and much love.